Sean Chuma: Inter-Demented BASE Instruction
The course location is at the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls, ID. The Perrine is the prime spot to learn to BASE jump as it is 486 feet above water and has a large landing area. It is a forgiving object, but BASE jumping is dangerous, can cause death or injury, and must be handled in a responsible manner. Students must have 200 skydives or extensive para glider experience. The course focuses on the student and remaining mentally sharp. We will move at your pace. It is recommended that you become familiar with packing before the course as this will allow us to attain more jumps. It is suggested that you complete at least 10 pack jobs before your course date.
Students of the First Jump Course are taught on a 4 day program. During the first 3 days of the course the students learn the basics of BASE jumping. The fourth day is advanced training where we expand on basics and move the student toward training for a specific type of BASE jumping that they may choose, such as aerials, unpacked jumps, other objects, etc. Students will be given guidance on how to properly and safely move toward their goals in BASE.
Students will focus on learning, at their own rate, how to progress in the sport and do it in a safe, skilled, and smart way. Students can expect to learn:
-knowledge of BASE specific gear and proper setup, checks, and use
-object assessment
-weather assessment
-when to stand down and proper mental attitude during jumps
-how to calm themselves in the intense situations that arise
-malfunctions and procedures as well as object avoidance
-PCA, static line, handheld, stowed, etc. progression & methods
-pilot chute selection and slider up vs. slider down setup and use
-proper exit strategies and awareness of obstructions
-possible problems to look out for
-manually pulling pins
-canopy flight, such as patterns, sinking, gliding, accuracy, and landing
-Ethics of BASE jumping and respect for other jumpers, people, and property and preservation of objects
-jumping other objects safely
-bust factors-choosing others to jump with and to learn from
4 day course (3 day basic + 1 day advanced training) –
Prices do not include food, lodging, or travel.
Rental gear is available if you do not have your own. Gear must be BASE specific. Rental Gear is furnished at a cost of 50 dollars per day.
Advanced Training and private courses:
Advanced training is available on a per day basis. If you would like to take the right steps to safely work toward the skilled craft of aerials BASE jumping, unpacked jumps, object avoidance, canopy skills, running exits, and jumping other objects, then advanced training is a good choice for you.
If you would like to work on packing, expanding skills, learning other exit methods, and just become more comfortable, while having guidance and supervision, then advanced training will also help you.
All courses include:
-guidance and supervision
-video of jumps and in freefall video for your own use
-safe progression
-after conclusion of course you are free to contact me for questions about BASE.
-The best time you will ever have.
Schedule with Sean Chuma by email, phone, or facebook
619 987 6990
videos are available for viewing on Facebook, Youtube, and Vimeo. Search for Sean Chuma, I-D BASE, or InterDimensional BASE.
For upcoming courses contact Sean or click here
My current pack job: