So I do a lot of interviews, some of them are good and some of the writers don’t seem to put much effort into them. It’s funny how the writers can mess things up so bad. I never take it to seriously, now I just really drill the writers to find out what exactly their story is going to be about. In the past, most news stories about Base Jumping were all about the carnage. Times have changed. Of course they still hop right on when something tragic happens, but they are starting to see the light when it comes to publishing or showing something positive about this beautiful sport that we do. I guess I would just like to say thanks to those cool reporters that just seem to get it. Here is a pretty good little article about Tandem Base. Something that is slowly (or maybe quickly) but surely catching on. It is a pretty cool thing to be able to go on a base jump without the crazy amounts of training that we have to do. I can just strap you on the front and take you for the ride of your life. That is what life is all about, experiences and doing good things for the Universe.