See the ESPN story about Base Jumper Lonnie Bissonnette.. HERE
Red Bull Aces Wingsuit Race
I had the oportunity to go to this bad ass race that Red Bull put on July 15-17. These guys must have spent Millions on this event. It was the first of its kind, with hopes of many more. This was a trial run to see if it worked, and holy shit did it ever! They had five choppers in the air at the same time. Four of them were dangling the 100ft gates underneath. This created a downhill, sloping slalom course. The other chopper had the most amazing camera that followed us and got the illest shots you have prolly every seen. cha ching!!! The jumpers in the race jumped out four at a time from a sky van, which is a tailgate aircraft. The exit was key, and it was easy to get spun around and lose sight of the helicopters. After exit we would dive down to the first gate, zipping by the helicopters, then on to the second, third and fourth. The fourth one was my favorite because we immediately carved around the gate to head back over the landing area. There was some serious competition. It was 52 of some of the best (though not all) wingsuiters on the planet. I really don’t get to wingsuit as much as these guys but i had been doing some fun training in Italy and down in Oceanside, CA before the race. I don’t have a wing suit at the moment so i had to borrow a Vampire Race from my good friend Jarno Cordia in Holland. He is about 3-4 inches taller than me so I had to modify it to fit. I couldn’t get tension in the suit, so i cut up a couple pair of sandals and taped them to the bottom of the booties to make me taller. Turned out pretty well because I ended up finishing in the Top 16 and won a 1,000 dollar cash prize, aughhhh jeyuhhhh! Cha ching again! So thanks to Jarno for the suit. Thanks Ian Slanders for letting me use that sky rig with the cypress. I was freaking out about not having a rig with an auto opener. Thanks Douggs for getting me in the race. All Aces in my book! Thanks erryone that was there, i had such a great time, too many to thank! Thanks Red Bull and Luke Aikins for putting on that massive production HOLY SHIGHT!!! Here is a video link below so you can get a taste of the Aces. #redbullaces
Twin Falls Teachers Voted to Base Jump
More eyes open to Base Jumping as 2 local high schools get involved. See KMVT story here.
The 3rd wish For Dorothy Custer Complete!

Dorothy Told us that she wanted to Jump off the Bridge, Ride an elephant, and ride in a hot air balloon. We just Completed that third wish on Thursday, May 22. It was such a good day with Skywalker Balloon Company in Park City, Utah. They met us in the morning and took us up for a nice flight where we sang Happy 103rd Birthday to Dorothy and then a few of us jumped out. Then she played the harmonica and told stories about back in the day. She is so wise. We would never be aware of what we don’t know. She has seen many cycles in her 103 years. She knows things that we would never know at the young age that most of us are at. She is still living it up and loving it. It is pretty inspirational to see her go and not complain about being old. See the news story here by KMVT’s Rachel Holt, who joined us on the Balloon.
Chuma joins Jordan Harbinger on the “Art of Charm” podcast
Check out this recent podcast called, “the Art of Charm.” In the podcast Jordan Harbinger interviews Chuma about his experiences in Base Jumping and Life. Art of Charm podcast with Sean Chuma.

Check out Chuma and Dorothy Custer on Msnbc’s “Caught on Camera”
Here it is, the amazing Dorothy Custer and Sean Chuma on a Tandem Base jump last year. The Jump made history as 102-year old Custer became the oldest person to do a Base Jump. She took the plunge with Sean Chuma from in Twin Falls, ID. Chuma says, “It was one of the best days of my life, I love that lady, she has the best outlook on life and does what she wants.” Click here to see “Caught on Camera”

World Travels and fulfilled Dreams
Hello World, this summer is off to a perfect start. I have been going full speed with First Base Jump Courses, Tandem Base jumps, Speedflying, TV shows, and the endless interviews for magazines and news reporters. One thing I am very excited about is Dorothy Custer’s 103rd Birthday. We are taking her on a hot air balloon ride. Last year we gave her 3 wishes, which were: 1. Base jump off the Perrine Bridge, 2. Ride and elephant, 3. Ride in a hot air balloon. We did the jump and rode the elephant. Time for the 3rd. For her b day we will be going to Utah to Sail the sky. I’m taking a parachute. We have the best and best looking local news girl going with us too! Happy B day Dorothy. You are the sweetest lady on earth.