In 2009, Sean Chuma and former partners Abbie Mashall and Mark Kissner, in a combined effort, started the first Commercial Tandem Base Operation in the world. A few Tandem Base jumps had been performed as stunts in the past, starting in 1984, with the first by Ted Strong. The Company Tandem Base began with many experimental test jumps to figure out specifics about parachute size and the effects of the added weight of the passenger on a base jump.

Chuma was the experimental test pilot for the company due to his vast canopy skills and experience in the sport. Now having performed over 1500 tandem base jumps, including his jump with 102 year-old Dorothy Custer, he is the most experienced Tandem Base Master in the world by a decade. Chuma has tandem jumped off buildings, an antenna, bridges and a cliff. It is believed that Chuma is the first person to have completed tandem base jumps off of all four objects in the word BASE. Chuma is known to be the leading authority in Tandem Base jumping. If you would like to do a Tandem Base jump please visit Tandembase.com for more information or book now. Chuma also offers Tandem Base World adventures to the outgoing adventurer who wants to Base jump but does not have the time to take up skydiving.